Using the Default RabbitMQ Middleman and Trigger

The RabbitMQ Middleman can be called from any location using the following command-line syntax:


The middleman's parameters are as follows:

  • CONNECTION_STRING: the RabbitMQ connection string to connect to

  • ARCHITECTURE_GET_URL: the URL to get the serialized template architecture from

  • GENERATION_QUEUE_NAME: the name of the generation queue to add the serialized response to

  • OPTIONS_FILE_PATH: (optional) Path to a JSON file that contains an object that may include a documentation configuration object property and/or completion handlers array property with objects representing the handler ID and parameters for each handler that should be used; For example:

    "DocumentationConfiguration": {
        "CommitAuthor": "Zachary Kniebel",
        "CommitHash": "0FE1D344",
        "CommitLink": "",
        "DeployLink": ""
    "CompletionHandlers": [
            "ID": "MyHandler1",
            "Params": {
                "foo": "bar"
            "ID": "MyHandler2"

The following examples show how you can call the RabbitMQ middleman on a Habitat instance with the SitecoreUML Service (1.3.6+) installed:

To retrieve the architecture and add the result to the documentation queue for generation...

node rabbitmq-amqp-middleman amqp://localhost "generation_queue__documentation"

To retrieve the architecture and add the result to the metadata-json queue for generation...

node rabbitmq-amqp-middleman amqp://localhost "generation_queue__mdj"

To retrieve the architecture and add the result to the documentation queue for generation and will tell the Generation Service to call a completion handler named "helloWorld" when finished...

node rabbitmq-amqp-middleman amqp://localhost "generation_queue__documentation" "./hello-world-sample.json"

To retrieve the architecture and add the result to the documentation queue for generation and will tell the Generation Service to call the "MyHandler1" completion handler with a parameters object; and then the "MyHandler2" completion handler with no parameters when finished...

    "CompletionHandlers": [
            "ID": "MyHandler1",
            "Params": {
                "Count": 1,
                "Max": 2,
                "Hello": "world!",
                "Foo": [ "bar", "baz", 12345 ]
            "ID": "MyHandler2"
node rabbitmq-amqp-middleman amqp://localhost "generation_queue__documentation" "./handlers-1-2-sample.json"

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