Compatibility and System Requirements
The following compatibility and system requirements must be satisfied in order to run SitecoreDXG.
Sitecore Compatibility
Technically, SitecoreDXG integrates with the SitecoreUML Service for Sitecore, rather than implementing directly with Sitecore itself. However, as SitecoreDXG is a member of the SitecoreUML family, this section describes its compatibility with the available Sitecore versions and deployment models.
The below are the versions of Sitecore that SitecoreDXG is compatible with:
Sitecore 7.2+ (not tested with earlier versions, but may work)
Sitecore 8+
Sitecore 9+
Deployment Models
SitecoreDXG is compatible with the following Sitecore deployment models:
PaaS (Platform as a Service)
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
System Requirements
This section describes the system requirements of SitecoreDXG infrastructure.
SitecoreDXG Generation Service
The SitecoreDXG Generation Service requires the following minimum specifications:
1x CPU Core 2 GHz
2+ GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
1+ GB Storage (20 GB recommended)
Windows (any version supported by node.js)
Can be cloud-hosted via IaaS,
SitecoreDXG RabbitMQ Middleman
The SitecoreDXG RabbitMQ Middleman requires the following minimum specifications:
Any Windows, Linux or Mac OS supported by node.js (tested with Windows only)
SitecoreDXG TeamCity RabbitMQ Middleman Runner
The SitecoreDXG TeamCity RabbitMQ Middleman Runner requires the following minimum specifications:
Windows-based agent compatible with SitecoreDXG RabbitMQ Middleman
In addition to the minimum specifications required by RabbitMQ, the following minimum specifications must be met:
Any deployment of RabbitMQ is supported, including on-premises, IaaS (infrastructure as a service) and SaaS (software as a service; e.g. CloudAMQP)
Last updated