Role Combinations
Some roles can be combined in a single component to simplify the architecture in a variety of circumstances. By default, SitecoreDXG allows for the following conceptual role combination that can be created without customizing native code:
Middleman-Trigger: implemented as a trigger component, this role is responsible for reaching out to the serializer directly and calling the generator with the retrieved data
In addition to the above, because - as will be discussed further in subsequent sections - the default component that satisfies the serializer role is the the SitecoreUML Service for Sitecore which is open-source, although it is not recommended that you customize or replace the SitecoreUML Service for Sitecore, doing so will enable you to make the following additional role combinations:
Serializer-Middleman: implemented primarily to be the serializer, this role is responsible for serializing the template architecture and passing it along to the trigger
Serializer-Middleman-Trigger: implemented primarily to be the serializer, this role is responsible for serializing the template architecture and directly calling the generator with the retrieved data
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